***** Their shortest album yet which makes it a concise thirty-five minutes. These ten tracks resemble bits and pieces of old Franz, but not necessarily one particular album. Originally I was thinking it was most like the debut, but it's edgy like YCHISMB, but then it's quite synthy like Tonight. So yeah I can't decide, although I can say with confidence that it's nothing like Blood :P The shortness of it also means that the lesser tracks are easier to get into, although I'd also claim that with time this is a grower. Also glad they didn't chuck 'Love Illumination' in as the second track; I'm sort of tired of that idea that the singles have to be at the top. I mean it's there anyway, and it'll be thrown back in my face if 'Evil Eye' ever gets a single choice :P Nevertheless, it shouldn't really surprise anyone that I think this is great. On first listen it was probably never going to get to the levels of the previous three, but yeah, I have time. What a great day. 5.5 |